Monday, May 9, 2011

Cover Crazy! (Meme #3)

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme created by: The Book Worms

This week's picks!

The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan

I just love the artistic detail and explosion of color used for this cover. Rick Riordan uses fire as a motif through out much of his work, especially this series. The vibrant red, magenta and golden hues compliment his thematic concept.

The Fallen
by Jessica Sorensen

This cover is simple yet very "eye" catching. Ah ha ha ha... get it? There is an eye on the cover? Eye catching? Yeah, I know, it wasn't very funny. Seriously though, this cover really stands out to me. The unusual eye color grabs your attention and the plain white background enhances it. I find it alluring. It is for this reason, combined with the fact that the title of the book completely differs from the subject of the art work, that I decided to purchase and read this book.


  1. I had never seen the cover for The Fallen Star before, and it's just so pretty! I love the color of the eye.

  2. I also love The Fallen Star cover. I have that book to read; I am looking forward to it! :)

    Reading Lark's Cover Crazy
