Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Apologies to my blog meme buddies!

Hello blogging friends,

I must take a moment to apologize and explain my lack of participation in my usual blog meme events. School is out for the summer and this is the only time I get to really hone my craft at writing, uninterrupted (or less interrupted anyway). I am currently working on a short story for an anthology I have been invited to participate in. I believe there are 6 indie authors participating in this anthology, all of which are super cool people and talented writers. I feel very lucky to have been invited into this project. I will let you know more about this project soon. The anticipated release for the anthology is August 1st.

Once I've completed my short story for the anthology I must reconvene to the larger project at hand... completing The Guardians of Souls, including editing and formatting by August's end.

I will post my progress periodically. I am also hosting another giveaway (Lucky 200!) for anyone who might be interested. The details have already been posted on this blog. I will also begin a blog tour for Soul Quest the first week of August (August 1 - 7, 2011). I am currently working on my blog tour calendar and have slated my hosts blog tour dates. My hope for this tour is to increase the awareness of Soul Quest, promote the anthology and The Guardians of Souls simultaneously.

Wish me luck! It is going to be a busy summer...

Well, I'm off to pick up my son's ADHD meds. I may need to get some prescribed for myself before this summer is over, lol!


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